Arcurile S3 G&H sunt fabricate din otel inoxidabil de calitate medicala si sunt testate continuu pentru a asigura calitatea, precizia si performanta.
Otelul inoxidabil este acoperit cu o rasina epoxidica de culoarea dintilor, care este durabila, rezistenta la patare si are nuanta potrivita.
Nota: arcul de baza este cu 0,002" mai mic decat dimensiunile finale acoperite, asa ca ia in considerare acest lucru atunci cand selectezi arcurile pentru planul de tratament.
Forma de prezentare: 10 folii Solo-Pack la alegere cu cate 1 arc.
The S3 G&H wires are made of medical grade stainless steel and are continuously tested to ensure quality, precision and performance.
The stainless steel is coated with a tooth-colored epoxy resin, which is durable, stain-resistant and has the right shade.
Note: The base wires is 0.002" smaller than the final covered dimensions, so take this into account when selecting wires for your treatment plan.
Presentation form: 10 Solo-Pack foils of your choice with 1 spring each.
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