Pusher arc Norris 20/26
Cod produs:
DynaFlex Orthodontics
Alte instrumente si accesorii
Plata sigura prin stripe

Pusher arc Norris 20/26 de la DynaFlex Orthodontics (SUA)
Pusher-ul Norris HIP „Hold In Place” este doua instrumente intr-unul.
Ajuta la inserarea arcului in slot si usureaza si aplicarea de torque in arcurile rectangulare.
Designul sau mai scurt se potriveste cu usurinta in mainile medicului.
Forma de prezentare: 1 buc.
The Norris Hip “Hold In Place” Tool is two tools in one. The Hip Tool aids in effortlessly seating the wire in the archwire slot and makes placing torque in rectangular wire easy. It’s shorter design fits easily in the hands of the doctor or staff.
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