G4 NiTi Trueform rotund 25buc.

G4 Niti forma Trueform rotund de la G&H Orthodontics (SUA)
Dintii se misca mai mult si mai repede cu forte initiale mai mici si forte reziduale mai mari pe masura ce revin la forma initiala.
Fortele reduse la angrenare dau un confort sporit pentru pacient si reduc accidentele de debonding
Fortele reziduale mai mari care dau o revenire completa la forma initiala si o miscare dentara precisa si controlata.
Forma de prezentare: pachet de 25 de arcuri.
Precisely developed and manufactured by G&H in the USA.
The teeth move more and faster with lower initial forces and higher residual forces as they return to their original shape.
Reduced engagement forces provide increased comfort for the patient and reduce debonding accidents
The higher residual forces that give a complete return to the initial shape and a precise and controlled dental movement.
Presentation form: pack of 25 wires.
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