Ceara ocluzie Almore
Ceara ocluzie Almore de G&H Orthodontics (SUA)
Ceara de ocluzie sub forma de folii stabile dimensional.
Nu se vor contracta sau distorsiona si sunt ideale pentru verificarea relatiilor ocluzale.
Incalzite 1 minut la aprox. 57 grade Celsius devin moi.
Foliile se conformeaza intraoral pe orice detaliu si se intaresc la temperatura camerei sau cu ajutorul apei.
Forma de prezentare: 1 cutie cu 17 folii de ceara de ocluzie
Occlusion wax in the form of dimensionally stable foils. They will not contract or distort and are ideal for checking occlusal relationships.
Heat for 1 minute at approx. 57 degrees Celsius get soft. The foils conform intraorally to any detail and harden at room temperature or with the help of water.
Each box contains 17 foils of occlusion wax.
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