pana la -20%
Otel posted Ovoid .019 x .025
Cod produs:
G&H Orthodontics
Arcuri cu carlige
Arcurile otel G&H posted cu carlige drepte au grosimea bratului de alama de .030” si acesta este sudata cu lot de argint.
Au dimensiuni intre 22 si 44mm, variind din 2 in 2 mm.
Arcurile superioare au dimensiuni intre 34 si 44 mm si cele inferioare intre 22 si 32mm.
Forma de prezentare: 1 arc
The G&H steel springs posted with straight wires have a brass arm thickness of .030” and it is soldered with silver solder.
They have dimensions between 22 and 44 mm, varying from 2 to 2 mm.
The upper wires have dimensions between 34 and 44 mm and the lower ones between 22 and 32 mm.
Presentation form: 1 wire
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