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    Scanner intraoral Panda Smart

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    Parametri si caracteristici:
    Scanarea unei arcade este foarte rapida - 1 minut
    3 tipuri de varfuri, cu 3 angulatii diferite; 6 varfuri autoclavabile incluse
    Precizie scanare: 5 microni
    Acuratete: 7 micron
    Scannerul este foarte usor - doar 138g, fiind realizat dintr-un aliaj de aluminiu folosit si in industria aeronautica. 
    Dimensiuni 221 x 27 x 25 mm - este cea mai subtire din gama, fiind, astfel, foarte usor manevrabila.
    Camp vizual - 18x16 mm
    Adancimea campului vizual: 0~20 mm
    Full HD
    Sistem antiaburire - incalzire inteligenta
    Calibrare automata
    Interfata transfer imagini - USB 3.0

    Rezolutie mare, imagine clara, ce reproduce intocmai realitatea, culori full HD, precizie mare. 
    Viteza mare de scanare, usor de utilizat
    Imagini fidele realitatii
    Imaginile pot fi accesate prin mai multe platforme, chiar si pe telefon. Astfel, puteti oferi pacientului imaginile cazului sau imediat dupa scanare
    Se pot obtine rapoarte complexe de caz pentru a fi date laboratorului
    Racire prin ventilator turbo foarte silentios
    Functie giroscop, prin care se poate urmari scanarea din toate unghiurile
    Buton de comanda
    Plug&Play - nu este nevoie de adaptor 

    Scannerul se poate utiliza pentru: 
    - restaurari: o imagine clara, fidela, cu rezolutie mare ajuta medicul sa distinga eficient intre gingie si dinte
    - implanturi: scanarea rapida, cu un camp vizual larg, inregistreaza precis toate detaliile, inclusiv elementele metalice sau pivotii. Nu este necesara repetarea preluarii amprentei, ceea ce imbunatateste confortul pacientului
    - ortodontie: precizia cu care se inregistreaza imaginea totala a celor 2 arcare economiseste timpul medicului si al pacientului si ajuta la realizarea unui tratament ortodontic eficient si rapid

    Senzor de miscare - in interiorul scannerului exista un giroscop, care permite vizualizarea din diverse unghiuri a imaginilor scanate, prin simpla rotire a piesei de mana. Nu este nevoie sa atingeti ecranul pentru a vedea imaginea.   

    Configuratie PC recomandata:

    Procesor - Dell G15: Intel i7-11800H / i7-12700H / i7-13650H 

    Memorie RAM - 16GB / 32GB 

    SSD - 512GB sau mai mult 

    Placa video - RTX2060 / RTX3060 / RTX4060 

    Sistem de operare - Windows 10*64bit sau mai recent 

    Rezolutia ecranului - 1920*1080

    Scannerul si celelalte accesorii (varfuri, cabluri, suport etc) vin ambalate intr-o valiza metalica pentru a oferi medicului mobilitate.

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    Parameters and characteristics: 

    Scanning an arcade is very fast - 1 minute 3 types of tips, with 3 different angulations; 

    6 autoclavable tips included Scanning accuracy: 5 microns 

    Accuracy: 7 microns 

    The scanner is very light - only 138g, being made of an aluminum alloy also used in the aeronautical industry.

    Dimensions 221 x 27 x 25 mm - it is the thinnest in the range, thus being very easy to handle. 

    Field of view - 18x16 mm 

    Depth of field of view: 0~20mm 

    Full HD 

    Anti-fog system - intelligent heating 

    Automatic calibration Image transfer interface - USB 3.0 

    High resolution, clear image, which exactly reproduces reality, full HD colors, high precision.

    High scanning speed, easy to use 

    True-to-life images 

    The images can be accessed through several platforms, even on the phone. 

    Thus, you can offer the patient the images of his case immediately after the scan 

    Complex case reports can be obtained to be given to the laboratory 

    Cooling by very silent turbo fan 

    Gyroscope function, through which you can follow the scan from all angles 

    Command button Plug&Play - no adapter needed

    The scanner can be used for:

     - restorations: a clear, faithful, high-resolution image helps the doctor effectively distinguish between the gum and the tooth 

    - implants: fast scanning, with a wide visual field, precisely records all details, including metal elements or pivots. It is not necessary to repeat the taking of the impression, which improves the comfort of the patient 

    - orthodontics: the precision with which the total image of the 2 arches is recorded saves the time of the doctor and the patient and helps to achieve an efficient and fast orthodontic treatment Motion sensor 

    - inside the scanner there is a gyroscope, which allows viewing the scanned images from various angles, by simply rotating the handpiece. 

    You don't need to touch the screen to see the image. 

    Recommended PC configuration: 

    Processor - Dell G15: Intel i7-11800H / i7-12700H / i7-13650H

    RAM memory - 16GB / 32GB

    SSD - 512GB or more

    Video card - RTX2060 / RTX3060 / RTX4060

    Operating system - Windows 10*64bit or later

    Screen resolution - 1920*1080 

    The scanner and the other accessories (tips, cables, support, etc.) come packed in a metal suitcase to offer the doctor mobility.

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